'Most herbs will grow easily indoors, but when it comes to vegetables, some are better suited than others. The best veg to grow include, tomatoes, arugula, bell peppers, mushrooms, beans, kale, carrots, sprouts, radishes, spinach, lettuce, potatoes. Save space and make them even more of a feature in your kitchen with a tiered pot display like the Ikea Bittergurka – perfect if you have a tiny kitchen and need to save valuable worktop space.
Aloe vera plant care
Cast iron plant, Aspidistra elatoir, as its name might suggest, the cast iron plant is a strong sort able to withstand minimal care and an imposing pot. Able to survive in minimal levels of lighting, the cast iron plant makes a great option for dark and shady spaces, with less natural light. Before finding the right plant for the right place, take a moment to really think about your home. Which areas receive the most natural sunlight, which are in constant shade and, the average temperature of each room. Remember that as the sun changes, so will the light in a room. It’s important to know what you’re working with before you start understanding your plants' needs and choosing where to house them.
Plants & Seeds
We love this look for a great alternative to the more traditional gallery wall, and again, if you're short on space and working with a small living room or other area of your home, adding texture will actually. Use our guide to start growing herbs, vegetables and other plants at home using hydroponics or just a little DIY expertise. If you're partial to trailing plants, you'll appreciate the beauty of the String of Hearts. They're native to South Africa and have heart-shaped leaves that add to its charm. Featuring leaves in various shades of silver, gray, green, and even pink and red, Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema commutatum) is an excellent choice for brightening up low-light areas of your home.
When is the best time to start an indoor garden?
Sometimes called eternity plant because it lasts so long, ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) will even grow in low light and can go weeks without water. The fun nickname aside, you’ll love this plant for its gently arching stems lined on either side with deep green, smooth leaves. Choose a deep green variety or change it up with a variety called 'Raven’ that has almost black leaves. Aloe vera thrives on neglect—in fact, the biggest mistake you can make with this succulent is overwatering, which will cause its leaves to droop. Its leaves come in various sizes and shapes, and are decorated with white spots and edged with small whitish teeth. The plants look striking on their own or in an indoor vignette with other rounded-edge succulents.

Ask the Expert: Tips for Starting a Houseplant Collection
Also called mother-in-law's tongue, this hardy houseplant is almost impossible to kill. Although it prefers bright light, it will also persevere through dim lighting, temperature fluctuations, and lapses in watering. A charming little foliage plant with cheery pink speckles over deep-green leaves. In addition to pink, cultivars sporting white or red dots are also available. Pinch back the stems of too tall or leggy plants to encourage bushier growth.
Flush The Soil When Watering
If you're blessed with high ceilings, this makes the perfect platform for indoor gardening with taller plants. Choose more dramatic species or equally eye-catching trailing varieties for an all-round stunning display. If you're not fussed about an edible indoor garden, then rest assured that there are so many types of gorgeous indoor plants out there . But if you're looking for a dramatic indoor garden look, similar to that of an outdoor living wall, then you should look to trailing house plant varieties.
"This fast-growing and vining plant is incredibly easy to take care of and a perfect option for first-time plant owners," Pangborn says. While they may have a reputation for being a little tough to care for at home, even beginners can help them thrive and bloom. To help your orchid plant grow, it's probably best to stick with orchid-specific products, such as pots, soil blends, and fertilizers.
How to Grow and Care for Bird-of-Paradise Plants - House Beautiful
How to Grow and Care for Bird-of-Paradise Plants.
Posted: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]
If you have suggestions for PPL to include, tag us on Instagram @latimesplants. In a letter sent to lawmakers Friday, the American Civil Liberties Union urged members to vote against the legislation, saying federal law already prohibits antisemitic discrimination and harassment. “It is long past time that Congress act to protect Jewish Americans from the scourge of antisemitism on campuses around the country,” Rep. Russell Fry, R-S.C., said Tuesday. SOURCEBOOK FOR CONSIDERED LIVINGThe definitive guide to stylish outdoor spaces, with garden tours, hardscape help, plant primers, and daily design news. Place it out of reach if your furry friends like to chew on your plants. It's also considered a holy plant in its native country, India.
Best Indoor Plants for Any Room
If the soil is bone dry, it is usually safe to water, while if the soil is still moist, it may be better holding off as soggy soil can cause root rot and ultimately kill your poor plants. This depends on the season too, in summer which tends to be growing season for many (and generally warmer), your plants (especially ferns) will need more regular watering and misting. Ideally, when choosing your potting mix you want one suitable for indoor gardening. Try to avoid using regular garden soil as it can cause contamination of bacteria and bugs which can hinder your new seedlings from growing properly. A good seed starting mix has a fine texture, almost loose, light and fluffy and should contain enough organic matter to provide nutrients and to hold the moisture but also drain well. To keep your indoor garden easy to manage, grouping house plants that have similar needs in terms of light, humidity, temperature and water needs, is a great idea.
These funky trees have been trendy for the past few years, thanks to their shaggy leaves and thick, woody trunk. They're slow growing, and can eventually become tree-sized, even indoors. If you choose a Chinese evergreen with bright or variegated leaves, you'll need to keep it in a brighter spot to maintain the coloring, while green varieties do well in low light. The Areca palm thrives in indirect sunlight—but don't overwater this grand beauty.
But many indoor flowering plants do more than just add beauty to our homes. Studies show that interaction with houseplants can lower stress levels, and caring for indoor greenery can be therapeutic and calming. Some green-leaved houseplants, such as areca palms and rubber plants, can help clean the air in your home, removing toxins and odors. Gerbera daisies continue to give off oxygen after the sun goes down, so keep a few pots in your bedroom to get a good night's sleep. Watering is best done in the morning, and as simple as it sounds, watering house plants can be a difficult balance to strike. As a basic rule of thumb (literally) always ensure to feel for a plant's moisture before making a decision about watering.
This popular, easy-care plant thrives in just about every light or water situation, and may also serve as a natural air purifier. You can find variations with colorful leaves to help brighten up a dark corner of your house. If you’re new to seed starting, this foolproof beginner’s guide to starting seeds indoors will take you step by step from seed to harvest, quickly and easily.
(2) It’s easier to start with pre-moistened mix, as peat-based mixes are harder to wet down uniformly if they dry out in pots. Although peat has a very high water-holding capacity once it’s wet, it actually repels water when it’s dry. Transplant the seedling into a larger container filled with potting mix. Hold it by the cotyledons (the first leaves that appeared) and try not to manhandle the tiny roots. Place two to four seeds (per pot) on the surface of the seed starting mix, and gently press the seeds down with your fingers so they’re nestled in nicely. Turner highlighted also how plants grouped together thrive far better as if you think of a tropical jungle environment, where many originate from, you think of lots of surrounding plants!
Just stick to well-lit spots, and don't forget weekly watering. So, say goodbye to intense care routines and go for one (or more) of these affordable and popular houseplants — indoor trees included — that can easily be ordered online. You'll be surprised how stress-free being a plant parent can really be. Houseplants are a staple in many homes, but they take quite a lot of love and care to thrive.
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